TSA has a long history in assisting our customers with procuring and maintaining legacy Nortel products, so give us a call if you are looking for ways to extend the life of your Nortel phone system. Whether you're thinking of utilizing the Internet to make site to
site calls between Nortel PBXs, adding SIP trunking, adding remote users or work from home capability to that Nortel.
Have your Nortel vendor abandoned you or dropped support? Need Nortel advance programming, break passwords etc? Our engineers and support staff can help you with these maintenance and support issues. You act as our onsite “Smart Hands” and let us help you remotely.
In the market for Nortel legacy parts: Norstar Compact ICS and MICS. Norstar Voice Mail: NAM, Startalk, Flash and Call Pilot 100 and 150. Nortel Legacy PBX and Voice Mail: OPT11C, OPT61C, OPT81C, Call Pilot, Meridian Mail, MIRAN and MICB. Nortel M3900 and Aries M2000 series phones. Norstar Telephones: M7208, M7310, M7324, T7208, T7316, T7316E